When Old Labels and Standards Just Do Not Fit

The other day I was talking with an old acquaintance, and she was curious on what riding discipline I taught. I wasn’t able to come up with a succinct answer on the spot to these questions because I realized my teaching doesn’t really fit the old labels of English/Western riding that we grew up with.  In our more enlightened age of horsemanship, I have figured out what I want to teach and how to describe it (thanks to yoga by the way)!

So, what do I teach?

 My riding discipline is JOY. Pure joy, not just for the rider at the expense of the horse, but fully including the horse in the experience. My tagline for lessons has been ‘Balanced Seat Riding for All Ages.’   In balancing the body for the most efficient and graceful movement (both horse and rider). In balancing the mind for courage, focus, and empowerment (of both horse and rider). In balancing the spirit for giving, receiving, and compassion (of both horse and rider).


So, what do I show? (Horse showing competition being the old way of measuring success)

I do not show, I RIDE. The greatest judges of my abilities are my horse, my soul, and the heavens above.  Endurance riding has me hooked because it has shown me that my horses that I currently compete LOVE these crazy long-distance rides more than I do. They jump on the trailer, eagerly seek the trail, have ultimate faith in me to keep them safe. I do not feel the need for anything else.


But what is your greatest equestrian accomplishment?

Galloping up a hill in the middle of a forest. Alone, with only heaven as my witness, in pure absolute unity with Glorfindel. We breathed as one, thought as one, moved as one in perfect balance. We transcended all thoughts of control and surrender for a few brief moments. The power of that sensation brings tears of awe and joy to me even as I type this. No trophy can top that.


Think on the labels you might want to change in your life….